

·         Construction was initiated by the Emperor Vespasian around 72 AD (Heaton).
·         The Colosseum had a total spectator capacity of 45,000-55,000 (Heaton).
·         The Colosseum was designed for easy crowd dispersal; the entire audience could exit the building in five minutes (Heaton).
·         There were 36 trap doors in Arena allowing for elaborate special effects (Facts about the Colosseum).
·         The audience, upon entering, climbed sloping ramps to their seats, according to gender and social class. Obviously, the higher one's social status, the better their seating arrangement would be (Heaton).
·         When it was first built it was originally called the Flavian Amphitheatre, after the Flavian dynasty of Emperors including Vespasian, Titus and Domitian (Facts about the Colosseum).
·         Empire's primary stage for gladiatorial combat for nearly 4 centuries (Heaton).

Roman Gladiators

 -Gladiators were usually former criminals, slaves, or prisoners of war.
("The Gladiator).
 -The criminals had already lost their rights and the slaves and prisoners of war never had any rights to begin with. ("The Gladiator).
 -Some people volunteered to be Gladiators, despite the risk of dying and submitting themself to be treated like a slave. ("The Gladiator).
 -They would belong to a group known for their courage, good morale, and absolute fidelity.  They could achieve honor and possibly wealth and fame. ("The Gladiator).
 -Most commonly, Gladiators would battle one another to the death to entertain the public.  ("The Gladiator).
 -Sometimes they would make it interesting and release a wild animal into the arena and the Gladiator would have to hunt it.  When the Gladiator didn't win, they were killed by the animal. ("The Gladiator).
 -Other times animals would fight other animals.  ("The Gladiator).