
Roman Gods

·         Roman Gods came from different influences including Greeks, and Latins (Roman Gods).

·         The Romans believed that it didn’t matter what the worshipers thought of the gods, as long as they performed the proper rituals (Greek and Roman Gods and Godesses).

·         Religion was a compromise: if a man did his duty, he had a right to expect the god to do theirs (Williams).

·         Many Roman gods were not found far away on a mountaintop, but worked beside the Romans in field and home (Williams).

·         The father of the family was the high priest for the personal and family gods; they were worshiped at the dinner table, because the family circle was holy (Williams).

·         There was a group of twelve Gods especially honored by the Romans, called the Dii Consentes, were Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Vesta, Ceres,Diana, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Vulcan, and Apollo (Williams).

·         Romans were always in spirit agricultural people, thinking in terms of cause and effect, of reaping what one sows. The patterns of their worship followed the patterns of the seasons (Williams).