Growing up Roman


·        Roman men were most distinguished in ancient Rome.  Their clothes were more beautiful so all Roman citizen would recognize that the men were of a higher status than other Romans (Roles of Men, Women, and Children in Rome).

·         The men were the masters of the house and the family (Roles of Men, Women, and Children in Rome).

·         Roman women were expected to stay at home every day so they could complete the chores around the house and watch the children while their husbands were at work (Roles of Men, Women, and Children in Rome).

·         Very few women were allowed to hold jobs such as being a teacher or doctor (Roles of Men, Women, and Children in Rome).

·         Children of wealthy families in ancient Rome usually started school when they were around seven years old (Roles of Men, Women, and Children in Rome).

·         When girls were 14 years old, their fathers planned a marriage for them. When they married the man chosen by their father, the girls left their house to live with their new husband and his family (Roles of Men, Women, and Children in Rome).

·         Boys were not allowed to marry until they were 15 years old, when they were also allowed to vote and get a job (Roles of Men, Women, and Children in Rome).