
Roman Baths

-Roman baths were usually used in the afternoon and were used by persons of any age, status, or gender.
-The baths had a public bathroom with a sewage passage beneath to wash waste to rivers.
-Before bathing, people would exercise.  It was not vigorous or competitive, only to maintain health.
-After exercising, they would cover their bodies with oil to loosen dirt.  They would wipe the oile of using stigil devices.
-Then they would go in a hot bath, that was more like a sauna.  This would open their pores.
-Immediately after the hot room they would go the the cold bath and close the pores while they were clean. 
-After bathing there were plenty of opportunities to be entertained, view art, or consume food and alcohol. 
-The baths were more than a hygiene routine, they were a place to flaunt your status and be entertained (A Day at the Baths).